Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Great Teething Aid

It's been a busy week for Cutes Patoots. She is working on getting up on all fours, having a new earlier bedtime, Papasaurusrex is on leave, separation anxiety (and extra games of peek a boo) have started to set in, but most scarily she is getting her first tooth. I have to say she has been a doll baby through it all. But let's face it teething hurts! So she has been a little fussy (and I don't blame her). This new tooth not only hurts but marks the end of night time milk bottles. If she wakes in the night it's just water for her (and how sad is that)! Today we were out looking for pajamas and she was just miserable. So I picked up a Razbaby Razberry teether. It's basically a nubby pacifier she can chew. I broke it out of the package, wiped it off with the ever handy pacifier wipes in my bag, and viola! Happy baby!!! I will have more on teething later but I just HAD to share this little gem! At the moment she is reviewing the Sassy Strawberry Terry Teether with an ice cube in it, but more on that later.