Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My Glamorous Life

I know it's been a long time. I have some great posts planned but the holidays depleted what non-existent free time I have. But I did want to drop by and give you a laugh.
So yesterday I see what I believe to be spots of animal puke on my floor. (I lead such a glamorous life, don't I?) I look at the cat and dog very concernedly as I clean up these blobs, a very helpful Cutes Patoots toddling after me with a half inflated Mylar balloon in tow. I finally get them all up only to turn and step in a new one. For every spot I manage to clean I find two more! I become very frustrated at this point, completely baffled by what is happening. Where are these coming from? The animals certainly hadn't puked. I was standing right there! It's at this point I finally really look at my toddler (it's so weird to say that). Much to my horror Cutes Patoots has poop running out of the bottom of her shorts and down her leg in these chunky clumps. I reach out to catch her so I can change her diaper but she turns and RUNS all through my downstairs leaving a trail of yellow poo-droplets in her wake while laughing and gleefully tugging her balloon behind her. There was poop EVERY.WHERE.
Once I caught her and cleaned enough poop off of her legs to lay her down (because I didn't want poop on the carpet, I only now see how that is funny) and clean her up I discovered the problem. Cutes Patoots had turned her diaper into a thong on one side! NOT how I'd put it on her. I know this will shock you but diapers are not effective when there is a half moon. Seriously how did she get a whole butt cheek out? The lesson here is when you become a parent poop is a big part of your life. Find the humor in it. I promise you your life as a parent will be so much easier if you just look for the humor in every experience. It's not always easy to see but it is there! Have a great (hopefully poop nightmare free) day!

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