Saturday, June 8, 2013

Babies First Cold

     It's going to happen. There is nothing you can do to stop it shy of locking baby in a hermetically sealed room (no that IS a bad idea). It is really just a matter of when and if you are prepared. Baby's fist cold is a nightmare for most first time parents. Cutes Patoots got hers a few days after turning 3 months old, and let me tell you I was not exactly rational about it. I slept on the floor in her room just in case she needed me. I didn't want to be the 10 feet down the hall lest those few seconds make all the difference. The word "slept" is a bit deceiving as well, as I "woke" at every sound she made, even if it was just her turning her head. Honestly I think the whole experience was worse for me than it was her. She didn't even get a fever. I had a bit of advanced warning too. I had come down with what I hoped was a non-contagious sinus infection. It wasn't and no, caring for a baby while I was sick was not pleasant. I survived, I promise you will too even if you do feel like death warmed over. By Friday night I knew my wishes for it to be noon-contagious were for naught. At bed time I could hear her congestion.
Borrowed this from wordpress.

    We suctioned her nose and put her to bed as usual. While I sat in her nursery to wait for her to fall asleep I made the irrational decision to sleep on the floor and Googled whether or not I should take her to the ER (up and coming article on Googling baby. Just trust me everything you read will either reassure you baby is fine or dying. There isn't really a middle ground). In the end we took her to the Saturday clinic (mostly for my own peace of mind). Sure enough she had a viral infection and there was really nothing to be done except wait it out. Ten days later and she had a bit of a rattle in her chest, so back we went to her pediatrician for a check up and chest x-ray. Again it was nothing. (A bit of advice if you can avoid a chest xray please do. They strap them into a device that is positively medieval.)
     The doctor did give me a bit of advice that really helped with the congestion issues, which I will impart to you now. Get some Vick's Baby Rub (you can also use regular Vick's rub, but the baby version is less harsh) and rub it gently into the soles of baby's feet before putting them into footie pajamas/sleep sack when putting them down to sleep at night or for a longer nap during the day. My mother also recommended this to me after we had talked to the doctor. The other thing my doctor recommended was a bath in J&J's Soothing Vapor Baby Bath. Both of these tricks really helped and the thick congestion broke up practically over night and helped Cutes to breathe so much better, even getting rid of the slight rattle in her chest.
     Like I said at the beginning there is nothing you can do to really prevent the first cold. Sure you can keep baby at home all the time, but eventually they are going to venture out into the world and come across germs and viruses. They are going to play with another baby and be exposed to that kids germs. There is nothing wrong with this. By all means do what you can to keep baby safe and not expose them to unnecessary risks, especially before 3 months, but don't be surprised when despite best efforts your little darling comes down with a bug. Your best play in this case is to be prepared in advance with a few essentials.

Baby's First Cold Checklist:
  • A thermometer: It doesn't matter if it is an old school rectal version (in which case have thermometer probe covers on hand) or on of the new fancy temporal ones. Though not having to violate your baby is nice(and yes that is what you will feel like you are doing. You aren't but you still feel like a criminal.) , especially if they have just fallen asleep. Exergen makes a nice thermometer that you can get at Costco for about $30.
  • A bulb syringe. Most likely they will give you one at the hospital and/or your baby health and grooming kit you got before baby's arrival will have one. I like one that comes apart in 2 pieces so that it's easier to clean. There are also fancier versions like Nose Frieda, though I can't speak to their effectiveness or ease of use. I'll let you know if that changes. Just make sure you clean your nasal aspirator between each use and do it properly so it doesn't get moldy.
  • A Thermal Bear. Okay this is not strictly necessary, but I have found this thing INVALUABLE. Whether it is for a fever from a cold or vaccines, or if your A/C is broken for over a week. This thing is awesome. It doesn't get so cold it can't touch baby's skin, but holds the chill for a while. I haven't used it as a heat pack, but I imagine it is the similar, gets warm but not too warm. Just make sure to read the instructions for care. Bonus: it is washable and baby doesn't mind snuggling it. Just don't leave your LO unattended while they snuggle him.
  • Vick's Baby Rub. I have already covered this one.
  • A Vapor Baby Bath. Again covered it. I do believe that Baby Magic might have their own version if you are adverse to using J&J products. If you happen to be stuffy at the same time the vapors during bath time are relieving for mom or dad as well.
  • A Pediatrician. This seems dumb to say but make sure you have a pediatrician and their number handy at all times, as well as knowing where the nearest emergency room is, just in case.
All of this said, babies first cold will not be any easier for you mentally and will takes it toll on you physically. We are blessed in that Cutes Patoots was an angel face during the whole experience. She mostly maintained her schedule, only waking when her airways really needed cleared and thankfully she didn't have a fever. Not everyone is that lucky, and I feel for those of you that will have a harder time than I did. All I can say is try to get as much rest as you can and take care of yourself as best you can. Sleeping on the floor in baby's nursery is NOT necessary nor does it really do you any good. That said if you feel you must I certainly can't cast stones. Just keep in mind you  are not alone. Every mother has been through the first cold. You will survive even if you don't think you will.

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